How to Delete Your Amazon Account

If you no longer want to use Amazon, you can delete your account. But, keep in mind that when you delete your account, all of your data and orders will be lost.

Here's how to delete your Amazon account:

  1. Log in to Amazon
  2. Go to Account Settings
  3. Scroll to the bottom and select "Close Your Amazon Account"
  4. Choose the reason for closing your account
  5. Confirm that you want to delete your account
  6. Amazon will send you a confirmation link via email or SMS
  7. Follow the link and enter your password
  8. Your account will be permanently deleted

What Happens When You Delete Your Account

When you delete your Amazon account, you will lose access to all Amazon services and digital content associated with your account. This includes AmazonPayments, Audible, Kindle eBooks, Amazon videos, music, digital software, and games. Your purchase history, reviews, and account data will also be deleted.

Note: If you just want to change your email address, remove a payment method, or stop receiving marketing emails, you do not have to delete your account. There are other ways to do these things without deleting your account.