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AI Chatbots: The Future of Internet Searching?

The future of internet searching may be evolving as tech giants such as Microsoft and Google race to dominate the market using artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbots. Both companies have announced their plans to incorporate chatbot technology to allow users to have interactive discussions with software and search engines. The move aims to revolutionize the way we use the web, from navigating web pages to engaging in conversations that give us information. However, critics warn that the race to profit from AI technology is moving too fast and may lead to a multitude of problems.

AI Chatbots: The Future of Internet Searching?

The AI Chatbot Race

With billions of dollars at stake, the tech giants are in an AI chatbot race to become the front door of the internet. For years, Google has dominated the search engine market, commanding over 90% of the share. However, Microsoft, in partnership with OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, is now a formidable challenger. Microsoft plans to incorporate AI technology and chatbots into its software and search engine Bing, to give users an interactive experience.

Potential Problems with AI Technology

Although chatbots may appear to be an authoritative source of information, the technology is not infallible. Research has shown that AI trained to mimic human language may pick up on our biases. Google's demo for its language model, BERT, included a basic factual error, highlighting the potential for mistakes. Some critics argue that having for-profit companies pushing out this technology too fast is a recipe for a multitude of problems.

The Need for Caution

The introduction of AI technology and chatbots has the potential to change the way we use the web, but there is a need for caution. Critics urge CEOs to pause and take the time to review the research thoroughly to avoid the potential problems with AI technology. While tech giants are keen to dominate the market, the rush to launch this technology may cause more harm than good.


The incorporation of AI technology and chatbots into search engines and software marks a new era of the web's evolution. However, as with all new technologies, there are potential problems that need to be addressed. The need for caution is essential to ensure that the technology is implemented correctly, without causing more harm than good. The future of internet searching may be changing, but the potential consequences must be considered before embracing it fully.

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