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Who is OSHO?

 Osho, also known as Bhagwan Rajneesh, was an Indian spiritual teacher and guru who gained a following in the 1970s and 1980s. He is best known for his controversial teachings on meditation, self-help, and the rejection of traditional morality.

Early Life and Spiritual Journey:

Osho's childhood and early years: Osho was born in India in 1931 and had a difficult childhood, marked by poverty and a strained relationship with his father.
Development of Osho's spiritual beliefs: Osho began meditating at a young age and was heavily influenced by the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, a spiritual teacher he met in his teenage years.
Osho's experiences with different spiritual traditions: Throughout his life, Osho studied and practiced a wide range of spiritual traditions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sufism.

Teachings and Philosophies:

Zen Buddhism: Osho's teachings were heavily influenced by Zen Buddhism, which emphasizes the importance of meditation and the rejection of traditional religious beliefs.
Tantra: Osho also drew heavily from the ancient Indian spiritual tradition of Tantra, which emphasizes the sacredness of all aspects of life, including sexuality and desire.
The importance of meditation: Osho believed that meditation was the key to achieving spiritual enlightenment and advocated for a variety of different meditation techniques.
The concept of the "New Man": Osho championed the idea of the "New Man," who would reject traditional societal norms and live in a state of freedom and self-expression.
The rejection of traditional morality: Osho rejected traditional moral codes and encouraged his followers to explore their own desires and impulses.

Controversies and Criticism:

Criticisms of Osho's commune in Oregon: Osho's commune in Oregon, called Rajneeshpuram, was the source of much controversy, as it was accused of engaging in illegal activities and exploiting its followers.
Accusations of financial exploitation: Osho and his followers were also accused of financial exploitation, with many critics claiming that Osho's teachings were designed to make him rich.
Criticisms of Osho's attitude towards women: Osho was criticized for his attitude towards women, as many of his teachings seemed to objectify and demean them.
Osho's deportation from the United States: Osho was eventually deported from the United States in 1985, following accusations of immigration fraud

Osho's Legacy:

The continued popularity of Osho's teachings: Despite the controversies surrounding Osho, his teachings continue to be popular among many people around the world. The Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, India: The Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, India, is a popular destination for people interested in Osho's teachings and his vision of the "New Man." The Osho Movement and its current state: The Osho Movement, which is the official organization responsible for promoting and spreading Osho's teachings, is still active today and continues to organize events and workshops around the world. Criticisms and defenses of Osho's legacy: While Osho's legacy is still controversial, with some people criticizing his teachings and others defending them, his impact on the spiritual and philosophical world cannot be denied.

Criticisms and defenses of Osho's legacy:

Osho's teachings and practices have been the subject of much debate, with some praising his ideas as revolutionary and others criticizing them as harmful. Critics have pointed to his alleged financial exploitation and controversial attitudes towards women as reasons to reject his teachings. However, many followers argue that Osho's teachings were misunderstood and that he was simply trying to challenge societal norms

Why osho is so famous:

Osho is famous for his charismatic personality, unorthodox teachings, and ability to attract a large following. He was a prolific speaker and author, and his talks and books have been translated into many languages. He also founded the Osho International Meditation Resort, a popular destination for spiritual seekers. Additionally, his teachings, which often incorporate elements of Zen, Tantra, and other spiritual traditions, have resonated with many people and continue to be popular today.

Uncovering the mastermind behind Osho's empire building

It is not clear who the "mastermind" behind Osho's empire was, as many individuals and groups contributed to its development. Osho himself was a charismatic leader and played a major role in building his communes, and his followers were also instrumental in creating and running the communes. Additionally, Osho's management team, which included individuals like Ma Anand Sheela, played a significant role in the growth and organization of Osho's communes. While Osho was alive, he was considered the spiritual leader of his communes, and he also played a role in their management. However, there is no clear mastermind behind his empire.

Exploring Osho's extensive reading list:

It is not clear how many books Osho read throughout his life.Some sources claim that Osho actually read millions of books. However, he was known to be well-read and had a deep understanding of various spiritual and philosophical texts. He often referenced and quoted from various books and authors in his lectures and teachings.

A personal reflection on Osho's legacy:

While Osho's teachings have had a profound impact on many people's lives, his legacy is also marred by the controversies surrounding his commune in Oregon and accusations of financial exploitation. It is important to critically evaluate these criticisms and to consider Osho's teachings in their proper context.

Famous meditation techniques of Osho's

  1. Dynamic Meditation: This technique involves a combination of movement, breath, and music to release pent-up energy and emotions. It begins with a period of intense physical activity, followed by a period of deep breathing and then a period of silence.
  2. Kundalini Meditation: This technique focuses on awakening the dormant energy at the base of the spine and moving it upward through the chakras.
  3. Nadabrahma Meditation: This is a group meditation technique in which participants sit in a circle, chant a mantra, and move their heads in a specific manner to create a rhythm.
  4. Gourishankar Meditation: This technique involves the use of sound and visualization to connect with the inner self and achieve a state of deep meditation.
  5. Devavani Meditation: This is a silent meditation technique in which the participant repeats a specific mantra silently in their mind to achieve a state of inner stillness.
  6. Nataraj Meditation: This technique involves dancing in a wild and uninhibited manner, allowing the body to release repressed emotions and reach a state of inner stillness.
  7. No-Mind Meditation: This technique aims to quiet the mind and reach a state of pure consciousness, where the ego and thoughts are transcended.
  8. Vipassana Meditation: This technique involves focused attention and self-observation, leading to a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and the self.
  9. Zazen Meditation: This is a traditional Zen meditation technique that involves sitting in silence, focusing on the breath, and letting go of thoughts and distractions.

Famous religious book osho spoken:

Osho spoke on a wide range of religious texts throughout his life. Some of the most notable texts that he commented on include:

  1. The Bhagavad Gita: Osho gave many discourses on the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Indian text considered to be one of the most important works of Hindu philosophy. He emphasized the spiritual teachings of the text and the importance of self-realization.
  2. The Dhammapada: This Buddhist text contains the teachings of the Buddha, and Osho often spoke about the wisdom contained in its verses. He emphasized the importance of mindfulness and compassion in living a meaningful life.
  3. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Osho was also known for his teachings on yoga and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which are considered one of the most important texts on the subject. He emphasized the importance of self-awareness and self-transcendence in the spiritual practice of yoga.
  4. The Quran: Osho spoke on the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and the message of love, compassion and surrender that it conveys
  5. The Bible: Osho also spoke on the Bible, the holy book of Christianity and highlighted the message of love, forgiveness and compassion that it conveys.

Osho also spoke extensively about Eastern spiritual traditions, such as Zen Buddhism, Taoism, and Tantra. He also talked about the teachings of various mystic and spiritual figures from different cultural and religious backgrounds, such as Lao Tzu, Rumi, George Gurdjieff, and J. Krishnamurti. Osho's teachings often drew from a diverse range of spiritual and philosophical sources, and he encouraged his followers to explore different paths to enlightenment.

In general, Osho often drew on the teachings of different spiritual traditions, but emphasized the importance of going beyond dogma and religious beliefs to find one's own truth.

Osho contradictory statements of himself:

It is important to note that Osho's teachings often contained contradictory statements and ideas, which can be attributed to his rejection of traditional morality and emphasis on individual experience and self-discovery. Some examples of contradictory statements made by Osho include:

  • On the one hand, Osho emphasized the importance of meditation and self-awareness as a way to transcend the ego and achieve enlightenment. On the other hand, he also celebrated the ego and encouraged individuals to "become more egoistic."
  • Osho rejected traditional morality, stating that "morality is the greatest immorality" and encouraging individuals to live in the moment and embrace their desires. However, he also warned against the dangers of becoming too attached to pleasure and the material world.
  • Osho rejected organized religion and encouraged individuals to find their own spiritual path, but he also established a commune and had thousands of followers who looked to him as a spiritual leader.
  • Osho rejected the idea of a fixed self or identity, stating that "the self is an illusion" but also spoke of the "New Man" or an evolved human being who transcends their conditioning.

Osho's contradictory statements can be difficult to understand and reconcile, but they were often intended to challenge traditional beliefs and encourage individuals to think for themselves and question their own assumptions.

Osho's famous quotes:

  1. "Be realistic: Plan for a miracle."
  2. "Life is a dance. Mind is a musician."
  3. "The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom."
  4. "Love is not something you go out and look for. Love finds you, and when it does, ready or not, it'll be the best thing to ever happen to you."
  5. "The only virtue there is, is to be aware. And the only vice there is, is to be unaware."
  6. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
  7. "The greatest meditation is a mind that is empty, relaxed, and not focused on anything."
  8. "The only religion that is valid is a religion that makes you more conscious, not unconscious."
  9. "The only way to change the world is to change yourself."
  10. "Life is a celebration, it should be lived with joy and laughter."

Osho's famous books:

  1. "The Book of Secrets"
  2. "The Heart Sutra: The Radical Teachings of Buddha"
  3. "The Tao of Gautama Buddha"
  4. "The Sun Rises in the Evening"
  5. "The Book of Understanding: Creating Your Own Path to Freedom"
  6. "The Secret of Secrets: Talks on the Secret of the Golden Flower"
  7. "The Empty Boat: Encounters with Nothingness"
  8. "The Path of Love"
  9. "The Great Secret"
  10. "The Supreme Doctrine: Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of the Supreme Doctrine"

Write some famous interesting life event story about osho:

  1. The "Rolls Royce phase": Osho became known for his love of luxury cars, particularly Rolls Royces. He is said to have owned around 93 of them at the height of his fame, and would often give discourses while seated in one.
  2. The "sex guru" label: Osho's teachings on Tantra and the rejection of traditional morality led to him being labeled as a "sex guru" by the media. He reportedly had thousands of followers, many of whom lived in his commune in Pune, India.
  3. The Oregon commune: In the 1980s, Osho and his followers established a commune in Oregon called Rajneeshpuram. The commune was the source of much controversy and legal trouble, with accusations of illegal activities and exploitation of followers.
  4. The "poisoning incident": In 1984, over 750 people in the city of The Dalles, Oregon fell ill with salmonella poisoning. It was later discovered that members of the Rajneeshpuram commune had deliberately contaminated the town's water supply in an attempt to influence the outcome of a local election. 
  5. The deportation from the United States: In 1985, Osho was arrested on charges of immigration fraud and was eventually deported from the United States. He returned to India, where he continued to give discourses and attract followers until his death in 1990.


1931: Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain, later known as Osho, is born in Kuchwada, India. 1953: Osho graduates from D.N. Jain College in Jabalpur and begins teaching philosophy at Raipur Sanskrit College. 1958: Osho leaves his teaching position and begins traveling throughout India, giving lectures and leading meditation camps. 1961: Osho has a spiritual awakening, and begins calling himself Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. 1970: Osho establishes an ashram in Pune, India, which becomes a center for his teachings and attracts thousands of followers. 1981: Osho and his followers establish a commune in Oregon, called Rajneeshpuram, which becomes the source of much controversy and legal issues. 1985: Osho is arrested and charged with immigration fraud, and is eventually deported from the United States. 1986: Osho returns to Pune, and the ashram is renamed as the Osho International Meditation Resort. 1990: Osho dies on January 19th, in Pune, India. 1990-2018: Osho International Foundation was headed by his personal secretary, Sheela Silverman (Ma Anand Sheela), who was convicted of attempted murder, arson and immigration fraud. 2019: Osho International Foundation was headed by Jayesh Patel.

Osho's Vision of a Transformed World:

Osho spoke about how the future would be, in his teachings and lectures. He believed that the future would be characterized by a shift away from traditional morality and towards a more individualistic and self-aware way of living. He believed that people would become more open-minded, accepting of different lifestyles and ways of thinking, and would reject the dogma and dogmatic thinking of traditional religions and societies. Additionally, Osho believed that the future would see a rise in the use of meditation and mindfulness practices as a means of personal and spiritual growth, and that people would begin to reject the materialism and consumerism of modern society in favor of a more spiritual and fulfilling way of life.

The Story Behind His Deportation and Denial of Entry:

Osho was removed from the United States due to accusations of immigration fraud and engaging in illegal activities at his commune in Oregon called Rajneeshpuram. Additionally, Osho's controversial teachings and actions, including his rejection of traditional morality, objectification of women, and accusations of financial exploitation, led to negative public perception and pressure on the government to take action against him. Other countries also denied him entry due to his controversial reputation and potential legal issues.

After Osho was deported from the United States, he returned to India where he continued to teach and attract a large following. He established the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, India, which became a popular destination for spiritual seekers from around the world. Osho continued to give public talks and lead meditation sessions until his death in 1990. Despite the controversies surrounding his commune in Oregon and his deportation from the United States, Osho's teachings and legacy continue to inspire many people today. His books, audio lectures, and videos are still widely available and his followers continue to practice his techniques and philosophies. The Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune still operates today, offering a variety of meditation and therapy programs to visitors.

Controversy Surrounding Osho's Death:

Osho died on January 19, 1990, at the age of 58. There was some controversy surrounding his death, as some of his followers believed that he had not actually died, but had instead entered into a state of "Samadhi" or spiritual enlightenment. Additionally, there were some reports that Osho had been murdered, although these claims have not been substantiated. The official cause of death was listed as heart failure.


In conclusion, Osho was a controversial figure who challenged traditional spiritual and societal beliefs. His teachings on Zen Buddhism, tantra, and meditation have had a significant impact on many people's lives, and his legacy continues to be felt today. However, his commune in Oregon and accusations of financial exploitation have left a dark mark on his legacy. It is important to consider Osho's teachings in their proper context and to critically evaluate the validity of the criticisms against him.

A summary of Osho's teachings and their significance: Osho's teachings focused on the importance of meditation, challenging traditional morality, and the concept of the "New Man." He also emphasized the importance of Zen Buddhism and tantra in spiritual growth. His teachings have had a significant impact on many people's lives and continue to be studied and practiced today.

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